Keep these points in mind before you set an aquarium in the house

Placing a stylish aquarium in your home has become a trend, adding an incredible atmosphere to your interior. Aquariums of various shapes and sizes are on the market. However, most people do not know how to maintain these aquariums or take care of ornamental fish. Supercharging or underfeeding fish is a common mistake most people make. Here are some tips to help you maintain your aquarium without losing its charm.

Proper Place

Aquariums should not be inadvertently placed anywhere in the house. You can choose a clean location for your aquarium that will be exposed to mild sunlight for at least an hour. You can also install lighting fixtures in the aquarium to help photosynthesis of aquatic plants.


The size of the aquarium depends on the number of fish you want to put in. Adding fish to a small aquarium can affect your health. It is advisable to choose an aquarium large enough to comfortably accommodate the fish. Rectangular aquariums should take precedence over tall and narrow aquariums.


Newly purchased tanks should be cleaned with 1% potassium permanganate solution. Sprinkling white sand diagonally gives the aquarium a unique look. Besides, it also makes cleaning easier.

Replacing water

Aquariums should use clean and purified water. Stormwater is usually pure and can be used. If you use chlorinated tap water, store the water in a container and leave it open for several days to evaporate the chlorinated water. You can then pour this water into the tank.

The water in the tank can be retained for up to 3-6 days. Clean the tank at least once a week. Rub the tank with a soft sponge. This will prevent the tank from being scratched.

How to care for fish

Soak a plastic bag brought from a pet shop in water for a while and then put it in the aquarium. Otherwise, you may die from sudden temperature changes. Wash or disinfect your hands before entering the aquarium. Fish should only be fed once a day. If you feed the fish too much, the debris will clog the filter and the water will become dirty or cloudy.

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